Saturday, September 30, 2006

It's been a tiring week, with most of my time doing menial labour. Sometimes I'm left to wonder if I'm a soldier or a banglah worker. Even the banglahs are being paid higher than me. Anyways, spiritually, I've been on eagle's wings. I've been learning how to be a son to a perfect Father, and I'm beginning to realise to a higher extent how previliged I am. I am an imperfect man living in an imperfect world, with so many gaps in my life longing to be filled with something that satisfies. Yet I so often find myself disappointed with people, especially with people whom I look up to. However, I learnt that God is able to fill in those gaps, and I needn't be disappointed any longer. The Father shows the son, and the son wants to be like the Father. Like superman huh. Really enjoying intimate time with my heavenly Dad. I hope to learn more about how to save the world in a dramatic, large-scale, powerful and glamourous manner =)

Sunday, September 24, 2006


hmmm... just created my blog. kinda satisfied =)