Monday, September 08, 2008

Mike Guglielmucci

When I heard it, I cringed. "No! Not again! Please... Why?"

It was a nostalgic cry... I had a similar cry when word about Todd Bentley's case reached me.

Embarrassment. Foolishness. Disgust. Shame. The list goes on.

Why in the world would such a shame occur in the presence of God and his people, and among the top leadership at that? How can we thereafter have any credibility? How can His holy presence tolerate deception? Is His presence even with us?

But wait. There must be more to this. Before I let the emotions in, I've got to see what my Father is doing. That's right, He's doing something. He isn't surprised, and those to whom His heart is revealed don't have to be either.

Yes, the disappointment, anger, sadness, and all the other Godly responses to such a shame have their place, and rightly so. Still, we ought to turn to our Father and observe His works before cynicism catches up with us.

Here's what I've learnt about Todd's and Mike's incidents:

It's not about rallying. The number of lives you manage to impact is not a measure of your faithfulness, and neither is the number of followers you win a measure of spiritual success. Only 11 men carried the legacy of Jesus himself. John 6 couldn't be clearer. Jesus detested fans. He knew the crowd couldn't take the truth, and He gave it to them anyway, knowing that they'll leave. And we're called to follow Him.

That perhaps reminds us of the condition of the Church today.We're more focused on winning converts than making disciples. We're more concerned about whether our cell members turn up for cell than whether the same old beggar who lives down the street has had her dinner. We spend thousands of dollars on concerts, conferences and tours, and our poor neighbours remain poor.

And now, this.

I'm disappointed that it had to happen. It just shows the severity of the lack of the fear of the Lord in the Church. Had we revered God as the first Christians did, Mike and Todd would either have fallen dead right away like Ananias and Sapphira, or they wouldn't have been tempted astray if they themselves carried such godly fear in their hearts. Reverence for God - that is a true measure of one's spiritual understanding. God cannot be mocked. He will only come in His glory if His people are ready to submit to His kingship. Obviously, we still have a problem there.

However, I'm thankful that the deception finally came to light. Darkness is exposed, and justice is served. That's another glimpse of His Kingdom. Thank God He didn't allow Mike to lead us on. Alas! A God who says "Enough!"

While some mock us, and others cast doubt; while the faithful cry out, and those who are in it for selfish reasons dessert us; when the world accuses us and we can't help but agree - God is doing something. Let the world say what it wants to say, let the fans of Church leaders leave, let the media slice it's share of the pie... And let the children of God turn to their Father and see only what He is doing - that the Church be purged of it's iniquities and be refined by fire, and move one step closer to perfection.