Got to know both of them more while I was a YC intern
They both are really nice to me (:

it's amazing to see how she's matured over the years...

It's a season of marriage. One down, 4 more to go! Sighhh... makes me wonder when's mine. But I shan't bother myself with too much worry. God has His own perfect time (:
I am convinced that God loves me. heh, what a thing to say at this age huh, but it's so true! God has many treasures up His sleeves, if only we're patient and diligent to wait and seek! So I believe He has a special treasure in store for me :D and I'm patiently waiting!!
Back to B&Q's Big Day, it's sweet to see how God brings together a godly couple. Their love story isn't limited to themselves. It's is poured out and shared with the whole community, such that everyone has a part to play in their romance. I want my love story to be like that too. I don't want to be reclusive with my Loved One. Rather, I want my personal romance to be celebrated by all my Loved Ones. Thank God for such an awesome example in Ben and Queenie.
I sincerely offer my congratulations and blessings to Ben and Queenie. May you both prosper in your marriage and impact the nations and future generations because of your Christ-like love for each other. Let your light shine so that all may see the glory of the Lord! These are my heartfelt wishes for you both.
In honour of the newly weds, love, and holiness...

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