haha!! And it's my first time snapping with Ron!!
can't believe it's our first few official pictures!!
where have you been for the past 2 years Ron??

so yeahh wedding's are fun (:
Somehow, at least for me, preparing my dressing for each wedding is like preparing for prom heh
Got to match the right colours, do the right hair etc.
But as more weddings come along I probably won't be so conscious anymore, I guess..
Congratulations to Jia Hao and Ruth!
You both have been a blessing to me (:
May you both be a light that shines as an example of Godly love and devotion.
May you also have many kids for my future kids to play and grow up with (:
Who knows, they might pair up hahaha too early to say tho...
God is good. Somehow, seeing them get married doesn't make me envious anymore. I just feel happy for them (:
I've changed. And it's a good thing.
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