Monday, March 05, 2012

Worth the Wait

I've been thinking.

It's been years now since I first heard about the concept of someone being "worth waiting for". It may be applied to abstinence from sex until marriage, which is the focus of No Apologies. It could mean that each person deserves patience from the other party in a relationship. It could mean a whole lot of things to a whole lot of different circumstances.

For me, it just means that she is worth waiting for.
Time is never wasted because of patience.
Rather, patience proves the worth that I accredit to a person.
How can a Princess know that she is really worth waiting for?
That a Prince indeed waited for her.

So simple.

If it works out, great.
If things turn out differently, I would just have saved up a whole lot of patience for someone to come.

God is so wise.

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