Thursday, June 17, 2010

Finally managed to buy Ronz ice cream today for helping me with my assignment (:

It was a good time of talking, sharing, htht-ing etc. But more importantly, I know God is saying something. He's speaking a message of hope. Through her, I see hope. God has not forgotten JYC, but He has allowed us to go through a valley and in the process show us that His light is still upon us. And there I was, having ice cream with someone who could easily have gotten angry or sunk in disappointment and sadness, but had instead chosen to fight her battle well, notwithstanding the tears along the way.

I believe God is going to do something special in this camp. It'll require us to discipline our hearts, but I know He has prepared them and with His Spirit, it is possible. Like family camp, He's gonna sweep down like a mighty river, making our old selves seem so silly in plain sight, while giving us a new self, a new name, a new identity. He's gonna make new things, new persons, new desires. And it's all to His glory, which will be awesome (:

Thanks RonzBonz (: you fought well in this season! You have my admiration *winks* :D
And oh, you should learn to say "thank you" when receiving compliments ;P

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