Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The worst news a man can hear

This is shocking for any man to hear.
I wonder if girls are like that really.
Christian girls?
I've felt betrayed before, and it really hurt.
What more this husband?
There's just so many questions running through my head.
Why didn't the girl control herself, or her emotions there and then?
Why did she allow herself to be willful?
Could these things have been prevented?
Were there signs that these things were to happen even before they did?
I'm guessing the lady probably didn't think she'd do these things herself.
Everything was probably sweet and well on their wedding day.
She probably would have been kind of "innocently willful", but not considered as a threat.
But... sigh... this show breaks my heart.
This world needs to know faithfulness and openness.

Imagine if she had processed everything honestly with her husband from the start.
Imagine if she made it a point to be accountable to him, like by telling him where she is every now and then, especially when she's in unusual circumstances.
And allow him to ask personal questions.
It would have been much harder for her to be unfaithful.

Accountability is important.
Not just in marriage, but in life.
God is faithful, and I hope His faithfulness spreads like wildfire in our time.
This world needs it.
Even Christians need it.
I need it.

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