She's soo pretty right??
Anyways, leading up to now, I'm feeling pretty much better, energised by the all-powerful American optimism, or American Dream. I believe hollywood isn't all that bad you know. I reflect on how like many moralist slam American culture as going down the drain, but when I watch these movies, I realise that a lot of them have quite good values. You know that in real life, some of these actors actually wear the purity ring? Perhaps this generation of American entertainers are different from the morally degrading Gen X and early Gen Y (those older than me, late 20s and early 30s).
Yup, that's about my journey to Hollywood. Just in case you're wondering my commitment to God hasn't faded. I still read my Bible every day, and He's still the foundation of my life. But on top of that, a dose of Hollywood is good for you! (You still have to be discerning when choosing movies la!)
And then, recently, there's the elections! After all those movies, which sort of climaxed with the all-time-favourite-fairy-tale Royal Wedding, it's finally election time in Singapore.
So I stopped eating my Hollywood supper and switched to Youtube's rally videos.
Actually, although happy endings are cool to watch, they seldom inspire your whole life. But elections are a totally different thing man...
To make this long story short I just wanna say that I'm very impressed and inspired by Worker's Party leader Low Thia Khiang. You know how opposition are usually discriminated by the PAP and the PAP usually make things difficult for them to do their stuff? This guy is one serious fighter who never gives up.

That's him. Imagine 20 years being a minority in Parliament, always having your suggestions brushed away by the not-so-al-mighty father, son, and holey Goh. (Father = MM Lee, Son = PM Lee) But he still presses on!
yah people always criticise him as rugged and uncle, but that's the meaning of reaching out to the people right? You know most of Singaporeans are actually heartlanders like this guy? If you think he has poor English and talks too low-class, you're probably a snob. And you're a minority Singaporean. He's actually Chinese-ed, went to the now defunct 南大 (Nanyang University). So his Chinese is more fluent. It's sad that the PAP has been trying all these years to marginalise people like that. I actually talked to this taxi uncle who was Chinese ed, and his mindset is that Chinese-ed people have no future in Singapore, except to be Chinese teacher, which students all hate. So yea, I appreciate the PAP overall, but this is one aspect of PAP that I'm against.
The people should be heard in Parliament, and this guy reflects who the true-blue Singaporeans actually are! In values, language, and attitude. And the speeches he give are powerful! I went to his rally thursday night, and the cheers... gosh it's exhilarating!
yeah you can hear the shouts! People from the heartlands really love this guy! who says you have to speak good English to lead the people?!
I was there when he gave this speech, and there were 30000 people. His rallies are actually the most popular and packed.
He's crazy. He's rugged. He inspires his voters. He inspired me. To be minority in Parliament, educated differently, speaking differently, but winning the hearts of a growing number of people each election, this guy is my hero. I appreciate the PAP, especially what the first generation of leaders have done for our country, and I like our current PM too. But I feel that there has to be a place for guys like him to speak up for those whom he represents in Parliament too.
So yeah. It's been a crazy journey the past half a year, from melancholy to optimism to inspiration. I thank God for this roller-coaster ride. I didn't really expect things to be this way, but I trust He has great plans for me.
Lord, surprise my heart this season I pray. And bless my country, however the elections turn out. Whatever the outcome, whoever enters our Parliament, whoever become our ministers, You are the true King.
So in the end, I only wanna sing: hosanna in the highest!
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